[SLUG] Job available

From: ter swartz (ter450@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Jul 13 2001 - 10:56:16 EDT

Hey all, This is not really SLUG related, but my boss
is hiring for his for some software technical support.
 The job will be published in Sunday's St. Petersburg
Times as follows "Wanted FT Phone support person for
medical software. Computer literate, Windows,
somebookkeeping - will train. Busy, but relaxed
office in Clearwater w/benefits. E-mail
job@tsdept.com" If you are interested please respond
to the e-mail that will be listed in the St. Pete
times. I figured if I post this to group, a LUG
member will get first shot at it. I have been working
here since Nov, 2000 and like the job alot. My boss
is business oriented, but very good to work with. As
bosses go, I would say he is a "cool guy", which makes
a world of difference in the job market.
Thanks, Pete.

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