[SLUG] Wednesday's meeting

From: Derek Glidden (dglidden@illusionary.com)
Date: Mon Jul 16 2001 - 11:03:51 EDT

Thanks to everyone who has been complimenting me on the presentation. I
have a few things to say:

1) I know it was a long one. I had expected it to be about 1-1/4 hours,
but between the questions, getting started late from the projector not
cooperating, and my not feeling well, it ran long. Sorry for that.

2) I *really* hope people got at least something out of it. Even if
you're not all Firewall gods by now, at least the concepts and rules can
float around and soak in. It's a LOT to go over in such a short amount
of time and I apologize if it was confusing to people. Plus, that was
the first time I've ever used one of those "Presentation maker build
software" thingies to make a presentation, so I'm just glad it was
coherent, if not exactly brialliant.

3) The alternate conversations *were* annoying, particularly when they
got louder than me. :) Partially I blame the length and complexity of
the presentation for making people get bored and want to talk about
other things, but it was still pretty rude...

4) Sorry I haven't had a chance to get the presentation online yet. I
pretty much went home that night, ate something and collapsed into bed
and haven't been feeling much over 50% since then. (Stupid Swine Fever
or Columbian Ring-Tailed Flu or whatever it is just won't go away...)

5) If anyone has any further questions about anything I went over, or
anything vaguely related, please don't hesitate to post them to this
forum and I'll do my best to answer!

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