Paul M Foster wrote:
> I'm sorry, but I've got to disagree with the idea of "rogue" TLDs. Yes,
> ICANN is moving slowly on adding TLDs, and I don't know why. Yes, I
> understand about the seemingly anarchic nature of the internet. However,
> the system was built on a good framework that has served well for many
> years. As noted in other posts, rogue TLDs add an unnecessary level of
> complexity to internet navigation. I don't know that much about ICANN,
> but I'd have to assume that having TLD addition in the hands of ICANN is
> better than having it in the hands of a lot of little (or big) companies
> who have a profit interest in adding their own TLDs. What if a company
> like Microsoft got into this business, and convinced everyone that it
> was a great idea to be part of the MSFT domain? Or AOL? Then you have a
> situation where one or two profit-taking companies control a sizable
> portion of the TLDs on the internet, as opposed to something like ICANN.
However, ICANN is turning out to look even more self-serving and
viscious than any commerical company involved. Think of Network
Solutions but even more inept and self-serving. Something like ICANN is
a good idea, however the particular implementation is extremely bad.
And of course, most of ICANN is representatives from major commerical
corporations involved in things like networking and domain reselling.
ICANN is evil. Alternatives are good, but it still needs to be seen how
to successfully integrate them into the overall fabric.
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