Your right, the internet is not going to be owned by Microsoft or by any
one entity - too many bright, ingenious developers ready to provide
alternatives. But the idea of extortion based on data rather than
software is a worrisome leap for me. And Microsoft may be able to
dictate where and how the information is stored and accessed. There is a
subject about a download licensing patent on Slashdot today that rubs up
against this idea. It isn't about Microsoft today but it could be in
the future.
I wasted some time last night goofing with a futuristic bill for
internet access. It's a little silly but maybe it can be an example of
how alternative access on the net might be encumbered. So it's attached
Derek Glidden wrote:
> Robert Haeckl wrote:
> >
> > me. You may not be able to access some of your favorite sites unless
> > you buy into the .NET plan. Microsoft knows they can't control the wire
> > but maybe through proprietary servers they can control the endpoints of
> > the internet. Maybe it's a bit paranoid but in view of Microsoft's
> > business practices a healthy dose of skepticism is warranted.
> While I agree with everything you said in your message, this bit here is
> a statement that I see repeated over and over when people talk about
> Microsoft "owning" the Internet.
> The way I see it, unless they purchase the physical lines, or the actual
> transport layer that drives the Internet (concievable, but highly
> unlikely, I think) the Internet at large will still remain free as a
> whole. The difference being there will effectively be two "Internets"
> running in parallel: the one that all the Microsoft people can see and
> use, and the one the rest of us can see and use which will still be
> powered by things like Sendmail, Apache, BIND, Mozilla and so on.
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| Statement Date: July 17, 2005 |
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