Re: [SLUG] SLUG Site and Konqueror

From: Glen (
Date: Fri Jul 20 2001 - 17:32:36 EDT

I'm using konqueror 2.1.1 as supplied by drake 8.

        The front page is ok. The history page (maybe others) exhibits the problems.
What happens is that the top of the page and the bottom is ok. Each paragraph
is almost a full screen apart. After the 'October' paragraph, there is
possibly 10 full screens worth of whitespace, interspersed with bit of
background image. Then, the bottom of the page.

        Hope it helps.


On Thursday 19 July 2001 22:10, you wrote:
> SLUGs:
> Someone has mentioned to me offlist that they have a very hard time with
> the SLUG site in Konqueror. From what I gather, it seems that pages
> require and unbelievable amount of scrolling to get to the end, with a
> lot of blank space on them.
> Can someone using Konqueror go look at the site and verify this? Please
> give your Konqueror version and precisely describe any anomalies.
> Paul

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