Re: [SLUG] Microsoft Independence

From: Frank Roberts - SOTL (
Date: Fri Jul 20 2001 - 19:58:28 EDT

If you really want to help wing people the best thing for programmers to do
would be to help resolve some of the major desk top issues with KDE and Gnome.

Issue like why does Kwrite crash every 5 minutes?

Or the lack of features in Abbie Office which works.

Or why when you delete a print file in KDE it does not delete but keeps
printing? You can run a couple of reams of paper through a printer with a
corrupted print file if you can not stop it.

Or why the print drivers fro some printers do not function correctly. Cannon
print drivers are noted for this.

Oh, another one would be fixing cut and paste in KDE. If you high light
something, click copy and then high light something else to paste on top of
it you lost what you initially copied by highlighting the second item.

I am certain that these issues are going to be resolved. After all it is only
been 4 months since RH 7.1 was released but they are annoying to say the
least and that was a major upgrade.


On Friday 20 July 2001 06:40 pm, you wrote:
> SLUGs:
> Don't know how many of you read the business section of the Tampa
> Tribune, but there was an op ed piece in there today by a guy named Dan
> Gillmor. He expressed concern about our growing dependence on the
> one-vendor solution (Microsoft). He's looking to work out ways for
> people to gain independence from Microsoft. He'd like suggestions about
> how to accomplish this.
> I'm sure he's heard about Linux, though he didn't mention it. But if
> you're interested, and if you can intelligently suggest something
> besides "Use Linux!" (which just makes penguinistas look like kooks),
> you can send him suggestions.
> The link is:
> Paul

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