Ed Centanni wrote:
> Yea but did he do a Presentation?!
No, I begged for help getting my Linux laptop going with an Apple
airport base station. The guys at Computer Advantage (employees) were
marvelous. Sadly, after my wife and I got back to our (temporary) place
on Treasure Island and tried to get it going on the phone modem nstead
of on the store's LAN, everything fell apart again. That Mac stuff is
And I talked some, more than I should have, mostly about Bruce Perens
and Rob Malda having a contest to see who could be more childish, and
how I ended up in the middle. There are days when I love my job and days
when I don't...
Anyway, I'll probably crawl on hands and knees back Computer Advantage
and beg to borrow an Airport setup CD with v.1.2 on it, because 1.3,
which is what I have, doesn't seem to like the Wavelan driver that comes
with Mdrk 8.0.
Meanwhile, I'm really here, semi-hiding, to write a book called "Build
Profits Online" that grew out of a conversation with Curt Anderson a
couple of years ago in Atlanta. He can tell you the rest of that story
if he wants. :)
- Robin
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