Re: [SLUG] SuSe 7.1 to 7.2

From: Bob File (
Date: Sat Jul 21 2001 - 11:15:22 EDT

On Saturday 21 July 2001 10:24, Erle Robinson wrote:

> If I reinstall 7.1 Professional (which comes with gphoto) and then upgrade
> that with 7.2 personal, will it erase those packages from 7.1 ?

I don't think it will erase anything.... but if that's the only thing you
lost, instead of reinstalling, why don't you just install gphoto from the 7.1
disks? I did this just the other day. I have SuSE 7.2 pro installed, but it
no longer comes with scilab. I found scilab on a suse 6.4 disk and installed
that. I did not use yast(1) to install, as I think it does a nodeps (don't
look for missing dependencies) install, but just went far enough to bring up
the software list in yast and find the program I was interested in and then
by pressing F2 I could find out what CD it was on. I then exited yast and
mounted the correct CD and did a rpm -i /path-to-cdrom/filename.rpm on a
command line.
If all this is too convoluted, you may be able to use yast one or two without
any problems, and you'll probably get other answers as well.

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