[SLUG] GPL version of Kylix

From: Scott Piper (piper@ij.net)
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 10:25:06 EDT

Borland has released their free version of Kylix, which is
basically Delphi for Linux (any program produced by the free
version of Kylix has to be GPL'd. You can do any license you
want if you use the commercial version, which I think is selling
at $199 currently).

Kylix is an object oriented rad system that is pretty slick and
would be great for knocking out custom applications in short
order, complete with all the gui bells and whistles. I expect
that there will be thousands of these programs coming out in
short time once people start using it, and most all will be gpl
with the creators desiring to share their efforts.

www.borland.com will get you there, but probably not for a day
or two until the downloading quiets down a bit.


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