Re: [SLUG] GPL version of Kylix

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 12:42:27 EDT

Scott Piper wrote:
> Borland has released their free version of Kylix, which is
> basically Delphi for Linux (any program produced by the free
> version of Kylix has to be GPL'd. You can do any license you
> want if you use the commercial version, which I think is selling
> at $199 currently).

One of the most intelligent uses of licensing by any commercial company
dealing with open-source.

I guess it's just because the open-source community gets so flaming
whenever a company tries to dual-license a product as "Free" and
"Commercial" versions - claming that "EVERYTHING SHOULD BE FREE" without
taking into consideration that sometimes people have to make money.

The fact that they HAVE a Free Edition is really cool and shows that
Borland Gets It(tm).

(And P.S. Delphi is essentially Turbo Pascal, which, despite arguments
to the contrary that Pascal is only good as a teaching language, is a
really cool language to work in. Turbo Pascal bears as much relation to
the "standard" Pascal language as Visual Basic does to BASIC, only in a
good way, instead of in a scary way. :)
> Kylix is an object oriented rad system that is pretty slick and
> would be great for knocking out custom applications in short
> order, complete with all the gui bells and whistles. I expect
> that there will be thousands of these programs coming out in
> short time once people start using it, and most all will be gpl
> with the creators desiring to share their efforts.

I'm really really stoked about it.

My biggest hope is that commercial houses will look at this as a serious
tool to use in porting over their Windows-only applications to Linux,
and once there, realize how much nicer a development platform it is.

My biggest fear though, is that the availability of an easy, Free-to-Use
tool like this will be akin to the availability of Visual Basic under
Windows and result in thousands of half-witted "Drag-n-Drop Programmers"
churning out thousands and thousands of extremely crappy programs that
do effectively nothing. It's nice to have an environment that lets you
quickly prototype and build applications, but the whole paradigm of the
Visual Basic-eque "drag-n-drop to build the UI first, then write the
code" is the worst thing that's ever happened to programming, AFAIC.
> will get you there, but probably not for a day
> or two until the downloading quiets down a bit.

I'm downloading it now, albeit veeerrrrrryyy sllloowwwwwly...

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