Frank's Linux Configuration Dance
Two back, three steps forward, plug in the HD, remove the hard drive add a
few words of the #$%#$% type and start all over and do it again. Its Frank's
Computer installation dance.
For you nice helpful folks afterdoing the previous portion where I managed to
start smbd and mnbd the complete computer quit.
Why? Two hours plug it back together and it started working again.
This idea of installing on one HD and the unplugging and reconnecting to
another does have its drawbacks.
The SAMBA Project Documentation Part 1.7 Step 6 suggests Listing the shares
available on your server by the command.
smbclient -L <yourhostname>
Well obviously something is not working right.
Bash responds command not found.
Man pages says no such command.
Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated
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