Another I just came accross
--- Mikes work account <> wrote:
> Can anyone point me to a comprehensive and detailed
> HOWTO that explicitly
> tells me how to create a Linux system on a box that
> already has a working
> '98 system?
> I tried last night and could not get past the
> partitioning. I have 12G of
> unallocated space on my drive and Disk Druid kept
> telling me that I did not
> have enough room after two partitions. There are
> already two partitions on
> my Compac Presario. both FAT. One for '98 and the
> other for the recovery
> parition.
> I know how to read instructions and most of what I
> have read thus far lack
> detail. I need a 1,2,3....8,9 kind of thing.
> Michael C. Rock
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