RE: [SLUG] How can I mount an NTFS share?

From: Mikes work account (
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 16:12:40 EDT

Yes, you can mount the NT share on the Linux server with the following
mount -t smbfs -o username=<your NT user name>,password=<your NT Password>
//<NT Server Name>/<directory to mount> /<directory to mount to on the
Linux server>

Remember you must share the directory on the NT that you want to mount on
the Linux Server.

Also, some backup programs allow you to restore to other servers. I use
Cactus Software and can backup from and restore to most anywhere.

Hope this helps

Michael C. Rock

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Glenn
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 3:12 PM
Subject: [SLUG] How can I mount an NTFS share?

I have a mixture of NT and Linux machines. I store most of the important
data for all of my machines using Samba on one of the Linux machines because
it has the tape drive and cd-r for backups. Unfortunately, I have filled up
that server's drive space.

Now I need to restore a rather large file from tape and I don't have space
the linux server. However, I do have a bunch of space on the NT boxes.

QUESTION: Is is possible to mount an NTFS file share from and NT machine on
Linux server so that I can do the restore? I know I can use the Samba
to access the space, but that wouldn't work with the restore. Any
suggestions (other than the obvious - get a bigger drive) would be
appreciated! Thanks!


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