Try Earthlink. I signed up with them about a year and a half ago (Mindspring
before the acquisition) and could tap in via KPPP as soon as I got my modem
running under Linux. They're quite Linux-friendly, judging from the knowledge
base in their online help. You can access all of their services by Web
browser (account maintnenace, billing, etc). I just dial up and go.
Their prices are't too bad, considering. I think it's $19.99 a month for new
customers, and I'm still paying only $14.99 under my old service agreement.
On Tuesday 18 September 2001 11:37, you wrote:
> Hey, all. I'm asking this question on behalf of a
> friend who currently does not have internet access.
> The guy just went gung-ho, full Linux (bye bye
> windows, the guy picked up SuSE). Unfortunatelly, he
> uses CompuServe as his ISP and wishes to switch to
> another that would be compatible with Linux (as far as
> I know, CompuServe uses the proprietary AOL
> authentication protocol). Any recomendations?
> Unfortunatelly, I my experience with dial-ups is weak
> at best.
> On a secondary note, the Brandon II meeting, which
> takes place in the Computer Advantage shop on the
> third Thursday of every month at 7pm WILL _STILL_ TAKE
> PLACE THIS WEEK. Just thought I'd make it clear to all
> who might be wondering.
> Thanks,
> Norb
> =====
> ~ Good evening, Mr. Gates
> . . I'll be your server this evening.
> /V\
> // \\
> /( )\
> ^`~'^
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