Re: [SLUG] Speech recognition software

From: Brian Coyle (
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 22:26:50 EDT wrote:
> I'm looking into Linux software which can type what you'd speak into
> a microphone. Something without a steep learning curve, which also would
> learn your voice pretty quickly, and would be able to keep up with your
> speaking, if you didn't talk like the speed talker on the old Matchbox
> commercials.I'm interested in something with a lot of specialized word
> lists, like medical, scientific, etc. And, just to be difficult,
> something economically priced.

I've never used it, but I have seen demos and heard many good things
about IBM's ViaVoice for Linux.

"Bill who?"  -- Tim Robbins as 'Gary Winston' in AntiTrust

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