Re: [SLUG] what would you do?

From: Steven Johnson (
Date: Wed Oct 03 2001 - 23:47:38 EDT

Some may suggest doing the noble thing and inform the individual owning the
box of the problem. If you have a good lawyer, I would suggest the same
too. However, in this litigious society that we live in, you can find
yourself looking at the Defendant end of a lawsuit no matter how well
intentioned your actions were.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to read or write any information
to the hard drive.

At most, I would suggest that you use a public kiosk found in a library
without security cameras no closer than 100 miles of your home and post an
anonymous message to the owner of the box and their ISP. Use several mail
hops. When finished, wipe the keyboard with a sanitary napkins to remove or
occlude your fingerprints.

Upon your trip home find a tire dealer and replace all four tires in case
you left tread marks in the library's parking lot. Pay cash. The tire
dealer you choose should also not have any cameras installed. Insist that
you take all four of your old tires with you. Not only would this help you
elude capture you will also save $4 in disposal fees.

Do not drive through Ybor.

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Patrick Grantham \(aka. Mr Yahoo\)" <>
To: <>
Subject: [SLUG] what would you do?
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 08:39:10 -0400

I discover that a box on the net with the entire C drive shared with
read/write access? Recall my previous posting "WHAT is this?" What would
you do to notfy them?

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