[SLUG] Letter of Introduction

From: Russ Wright (rwrigh10@tampabay.rr.com)
Date: Fri Oct 10 2003 - 11:24:29 EDT

Hello All

I've been lurking on the email list for a while and decided to introduce

My Name is Russ Wright and I am a new member of the Suncoast Linux Users
Group. I am a zealous Linux advocate from way back. In the Early 90's I
downloaded and compiled my very first copy of linux on a Unisys 386 PC. I
currently have a few different boxes running different flavors of Linux. My
home PC runs Mandrake 8.1. I use KDE and all the fun GUI stuff. I have 2
servers, one running Redhat 6.5 and another running Redhat 7.0. I also have
a dual boot laptop running Windoze 98 and Mandrake 8.1.

I am pretty good at hardware and simple Linux installation problems and hope
to be able to offer help and advice to the "really newbie" as I am myself
only a rookie.

I work as an independent software developer contractor and currently work in
Visual Basic. I am learning C++ and hoping to start participating in some
open source development projects.

Russ Wright

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