[SLUG] permissions

From: A2L1 (A2L1@gte.net)
Date: Sat Oct 13 2001 - 14:28:43 EDT

This may ramble a little but I am in need of some assistance.
I have 22 gigs dedicated to SuSe and 8 gigs dedicated to Mandrake and the
remaining space is divided into 11- approx 10 gig partitions of fat32 (2 --40
gig and 1--60 gig HDD) the problem is when I am using say Mandrake and move
a file to a fat partition for storage all is well but if I later boot to SuSe
and try to move the file or alter it in any way the result is that I dont
have permission or access to move/alter that file---even as root! I cant
figure out how to claim my files for use and movement between the 2
distros--because the same thing happens in Mandrake to any file
accessed/moved by SuSE. Eventually all the files end up with a dont have
permission to alter/move result. I would like to know what I am doing wrong
but more importantly how to change the permissions on these files now because
I dont want to "loose" them--- even as root (in either distro) I "havent" got
the permission to alter the file.
I normally copy my mail folder to a fat partition so that I can access the
same folders in Kmail no matter what distro I am using but now I am running
into the prob described above--Im not sure if it is the result of moving some
of the files as root and not changing the permission back to user before
changing distros or what, I am kinda stymied here. I would really like to
change the permissions on the existing files so that I may access/move them
from either distro( for at least my mail) but by using this system I was
always to access my mp3/ogg files in either distro--I still can but there are
files that I cannot chanhe the permissions of (mail) and now cannot access
(well actually cannot copy to current distro for use)---any help/suggestions
would be greatly appreciated.
                                        A J

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