[SLUG] Microsoft License agreement and BeOS

From: Justin Keyes (m9u35@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Oct 19 2001 - 09:50:33 EDT

About a month ago, someone posted a discussion and a link pertaining to
the idea that the US Justice Department has dropped the ball in that
they are concentrating on M$'s inclusion of a browser, when the DOJ
*should* be all over the contents of Microsoft's License Agreement that
in essence bar OEM's from daring to include another OS (read: GUI) with
their products so long as they wish to include that of Microsoft.

I have since lost the link. I would really appreciate it if anyone
could provide that link (or similar or better links) again. I'm doing
an essay on the above topic. I've done searching on Google and
Northern Light and have found some good sources, such as BeOS's former
president, but there are some points made in the article (whose link I
lost) that are not addressed in any source that I can find.

Thanks a lot for your time... SLUG always comes through!

Justin K, m9u35@yahoo.com
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