Re: [SLUG] Microsoft License agreement and BeOS

From: Jim Lange (
Date: Fri Oct 19 2001 - 18:56:35 EDT

I think this is the link you are referring to:
It was in an email from Paul Foster on approx. 8/28/01

The Jim

Here's a copy of the email:

Here's a link from another list that I thought very interesting when I
read the story.

The short version is that Microsoft's OEM license, which is confidential
and is labeled a "trade secret" prohibits OEMs from shipping dual boot
machines. If you're going to ship Windows, there can't be any other boot
options for other OSes.

Must be nice to be a monopoly.

> About a month ago, someone posted a discussion and a link pertaining to
> the idea that the US Justice Department has dropped the ball in that
> they are concentrating on M$'s inclusion of a browser, when the DOJ
> *should* be all over the contents of Microsoft's License Agreement that
> in essence bar OEM's from daring to include another OS (read: GUI) with
> their products so long as they wish to include that of Microsoft.
> I have since lost the link. I would really appreciate it if anyone
> could provide that link (or similar or better links) again. I'm doing
> an essay on the above topic. I've done searching on Google and
> Northern Light and have found some good sources, such as BeOS's former
> president, but there are some points made in the article (whose link I
> lost) that are not addressed in any source that I can find.
> Thanks a lot for your time... SLUG always comes through!

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