Re: [SLUG] I'm down (now something else that I don't know what to call)

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Mon Oct 22 2001 - 18:40:28 EDT

On Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 08:26:44PM -0700, Norbert Cartagena wrote:


> Bandwidth on the SLUG List should be allocated in the
> following
> (descending) order:
> 1. Technical (Linux or computer-related) questions and
> answers.
> 2. Announcements of upcoming SLUG events and summaries
> of recent events.
> 3. Official communications from SLUG officers to
> members of SLUG.
> 4. Linux advocacy.
> 5. Linux or computer related humor.
> 6. Commercial offerings.
> 7. Flames.


> (Paul, correct me if I'm wrong).

You are correct, Gnorb.

Many moons ago, the former list host had a very restrictive set of
policies regarding the list, which the former president routinely
ignored by posting news items (which were verboten). When I moved the
list, I also wrote a new charter which allowed for a certain amount of
off-topic bandwidth. I don't want people gnashing their teeth and
flagellating themselves for posting humor, computer-related news
stories, or even Windows questions. As the charter says, the bandwidth
we devote to things other than Linux gets less and less as we go down
the scale.

But there are some people who just insist that lists be very technically
focussed. And I sympathize with them. I just don't agree when it comes
to this list. If that's the kind of list you're looking for, you're in
the wrong place. If you want to complain about off-topic content, you're
welcome to, but the charter is the final word. And unless it violates
the charter, I'm not concerned about it.


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