On Sat, 27 Oct 2001, Ed Centanni wrote:
> http://www.webreview.com/browsers/browser_faq.shtml
> Don't know how often it's updated or it's source but it seems about
> right. Funny, but for a Linux-hosted site, they don't seem to have
> heard of Mozilla or Konqueror.
Web Review (and its big brother, Web Techniques) are a
'controlled subscription' "trade" owned by CMP -- and quite
well written and editted. Lincoln Stein, and Randal Schwatrz
have long running columns, and Linux is a major supported
platform in the latter, see: http://www.webtechniques.com/ .
... but as to market share, Konqueror (with the KHTML
renderer) was really not usable until about 6 weeks ago for
full-time browsing; Mozilla (which will act as a renderer
within Konqueror -- see View|Mode) still is 'not there' in
color palette management, as far as I am concerned. So they
get lumped in that final 1% on the link cited ... .
-- Russ Herrold
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