[SLUG] Encrypted file system and re-install

From: Norbert Cartagena (niccademous@yahoo.com)
Date: Tue Oct 30 2001 - 10:31:13 EST

I just recently installed SuSE Linux for a friend of
mine who was tired of all the Windows crashes and
viruses. I created 4 partitions on her system:


/ and /home are both using ReiserFS and /home is using
encription for the file system. I was wondering what
would happen (if anything) if she were to do a "clean"
install of SuSE 7.3 on the / and /boot partitions,
leaving /home untouched. Would I still be able to get
into the mount point, though it's emcrypted? I guess
what I'm asking is whether the passwords/keys/whatever
is a part of the file system itself, held on the
partition, or whether it's held in the / or /boot

I hope this was clear enough.


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