Norbert Cartagena wrote:
> I just recently installed SuSE Linux for a friend of
> mine who was tired of all the Windows crashes and
> viruses. I created 4 partitions on her system:
> /boot
> <swap>
> /home
> /
> / and /home are both using ReiserFS and /home is using
> encription for the file system. I was wondering what
> would happen (if anything) if she were to do a "clean"
> install of SuSE 7.3 on the / and /boot partitions,
> leaving /home untouched. Would I still be able to get
> into the mount point, though it's emcrypted? I guess
> what I'm asking is whether the passwords/keys/whatever
> is a part of the file system itself, held on the
> partition, or whether it's held in the / or /boot
> partitions.
I *believe* that that information is held inside the partition itself.
However, please make a backup of that partition (while mounted) before
testing this theory empirically. :)
Hmm... from the Linux Crypto HOWTO:
CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP_USE_REL_BLOCK (Use relative block numbers...):
This options allows you to copy around the file containing your
encrypted file system without affecting it's usability. Without this
option enabled, you have to make sure it stays at the exact same place
on the disk in order to use it, because the (absolute, as opposed to
relative) block numbers the file occupies on disk affect the crypto
cipher, see the question on copying files in the FAQ section.
So the crypto key is related to the data in the filesystem, however,
doing a reinstall may or may not affect the location depending on how
the kernel was compiled initially.
It also looks like this HOWTO is for the 2.2 kernel patches, not 2.4, so
things might have (almost certainly have) changed with the 2.4 tree.
My recommendation is to try it on a throwaway box and see what happens.
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