[SLUG] Re:

From: Derek Glidden (dglidden@illusionary.com)
Date: Fri Nov 02 2001 - 15:00:08 EST

Mark wrote:
> Oh Christ, you linked it to nks.com
> The list email traffic is going to take longer now.

Nah, the list server and the web server are two different boxen.

Besides, we're seeing 500 and 600 simultaneous connections on the web
server and still 'top' is reporting 90% CPU idle time.


(Although somewhat sad to say, the box is a 700Mhz Athlon with 512MB of
RAM. It would be much nicer to say it was a 486/66 with 16MB of RAM and
handling things that well. :)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

usage: qrpff 153 2 8 105 225 < /mnt/dvd/VOB_FILENAME \ | extract_mpeg2 | mpeg2dec -

http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/DeCSS/Gallery/ http://www.eff.org/ http://www.anti-dmca.org/ http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/293/5537/2028

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