Re: [SLUG] CPP, KDE - kwin.h, kstddirs.h

From: Russell Hires (
Date: Sun Nov 04 2001 - 08:39:58 EST

Yeah, what he said!

Seriously, I was installing something ("guarddog" -- firewall software) and I
realized that I needed several libs and *-dev packages installed that aren't
installed by default. I installed libqt2, libqt-dev, zlib1g-dev. You might
check on the debian web site to see what these particular header files go
with. The reason I suggest debian's
website is because I believe that it's great for solving this particular type
of problem, regardless of your distribution. It's the second search item on
the page. You just type in <mysterious-header-file>.h and it returns a list
of packages that it will go with. It's left up to you to determine which
package you need (since you may get results for other packages with the same
header file) and where to get it, but at least it's a start.



> You need to make sure the path to the aforementioned header files are in
> your "include path" when doing the compile. There's a standard compiler
> option called -I that allows you to add directories to the path where the
> compiler will look for headers.
> So, adding -I/opt/kde2/include to the compile statement should work. If
> something in that directory is including *other* headers you'll have to
> find them and add more include paths recursively until the problem is
> solve (or you determine that certain header files aren't installed on your
> system).
> Paul Braman

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