Re: [SLUG] CPP, KDE - kwin.h, kstddirs.h

From: Paul Braman (
Date: Sat Nov 03 2001 - 15:26:21 EST

On Sat, 3 Nov 2001, Norbert Cartagena wrote:

> Now, kwin.h, netwm_def.h, kstddirs.h and kglobal.h are
> all in the "/opt/kde2/include/" directory. The
> program's headers only ask for kwin.h and kstddirs.h,
> so I'm guessing that the headers are asking for other
> headers. Any hints on how I make the compiler see the
> header files/libraries?

You need to make sure the path to the aforementioned header files are in
your "include path" when doing the compile. There's a standard compiler
option called -I that allows you to add directories to the path where the
compiler will look for headers.

So, adding -I/opt/kde2/include to the compile statement should work. If
something in that directory is including *other* headers you'll have to
find them and add more include paths recursively until the problem is
solve (or you determine that certain header files aren't installed on your

Paul Braman

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