Norbert Cartagena wrote:
> Does any one know if there is a mirror I can point
> apt-get.sources towards to install the latest KDE with
> one command (ex. Ximian has it set up so that I only
> have to type apt-get install task-ximian-gnome,
> provided I point the sources file to their red-carpet
> site. Does KDE have something like that?).
I'm presuming you're running Potato since KDE is already in woody as far
as I know. The KDE backport for Potato is at:
Your /etc/apt/sources.list line should look like this:
deb potato main crypto optional qt1apps
But as of the other day, he still had only done the backport up through
2.1.1, not any of the 2.2 code or beyond. For that you'll probably have
to apt-get source from woody and try to build that on potato, or just
try to upgrade to woody altogether.
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