[SLUG] apt-get & KDE

From: Norbert Cartagena (niccademous@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Nov 07 2001 - 23:27:35 EST

Does any one know if there is a mirror I can point
apt-get.sources towards to install the latest KDE with
one command (ex. Ximian has it set up so that I only
have to type apt-get install task-ximian-gnome,
provided I point the sources file to their red-carpet
site. Does KDE have something like that?).

Reason: Tried to install Debian - failed misserably
(older version of Debian anyways). Guess I just didn't
have the 3 days worth of guru meditation required for
the Debian install ;). Instead, I installed Corel
(yeah yeah - no slack. I happen to LIKE the distro
ALOT) and am doing a bunch of installs and upgrades.
Now, Ximian wont install on Corel because it keeps
saying that it doesn't recognize "[]". (what is this
system identifier and how do I make it say "Debian?").
The apt-get, however, will install it (so help me
Linus), so I'm going that route.

Anyways, any and all info regarding any stated or
implied question (other than "what in God's name are
you thinking?!") is welcome.


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