Re: [SLUG] dumb@$$

From: SOTL (
Date: Fri Nov 09 2001 - 08:16:26 EST

On Friday 09 November 2001 12:29 am, you wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 10:41:46PM -0500, Russell Hires wrote:
> > <sigh> yes. ugh. I sent him an email telling him that we're not spamming
> > him and for him to uns_ubsc_ribe himself, since he would have had to
> > su_bsc_ribe himself in the first place to be receiving mail from
> > us...maybe he got the message?
> >
> > Russell
> >
> > On Thursday 08 November 2001 21:21, you wrote:
> > > is anyone else getting a lot of mail from some michael goetz?
> He must have thought that rewriting subject lines and bouncing mail back
> to the list was the most effective way to stop mail from us. He was more
> creative than most. Mostly, they send uns*bscr*ption requests directly
> to the list, which bounce to Tom and I.
> Fortunately or unfortunately, many people who fill out a New Member
> Survey simply check the boxes on the form to be s*bscr*bed. So they
> never have to go through the actual process of manually s*bscr*bing. If
> we didn't do this for many people, we'd have 12 subscribers on the list,
> because they wouldn't be able to figure out how to do it on their own.
> But they do get a welcome email from marjoram when they sign up, that
> tells them how to unsubscribe.
> Unfortunately, many people haven't the gumption to RTFM. His address
> has been unsubscribed.
> Paul

Many list place a follower or signature file following each message telling
1.) How to unsubscribe, 2) what the group website is, and 3) the name of the
group. Personally I have always found it nice to be able to unsuscribe. I
recall one list that used non standard commands that it took me 6 months to
figure out who they were and unsuscribe after I lost the group information
when my hard drive failed.


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