Re: [SLUG] Netscape 6.2 -- Just get it.

From: Mike Manchester (
Date: Sat Nov 17 2001 - 06:28:54 EST

Ed Centanni wrote:

> He's right! It's a very worthy successor to the 4.7x's I been using.

Not on my machine. It reminds me of running my machine using VNC over a
56K connection. I get long pause between menu selections or any kind of
action for that matter. My God can they make Netscape any slower? Back to
4.79, at least with it I don't have time to doze off after selecting an
item :)

> Very stable, fast and renders much more cleanly.

Ed what kind of machine you running this on? Is it one of the new Tera
flop machines required for Windows XP?
I don't see it rendering pages much faster than 4.79 and in some cases it
seems slower.

> Doesn't hang up like the old one.

I couldn't tell on my machine as Netscape 6.2 ran at a speed just above
hang up speed :)

> They finally got it right.

Not on my 300 mhz machine.

> Ed.

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