Were they running Wu-ftpd or IIS? <snicker>
On Friday 07 December 2001 18:36, you wrote:
> Pretty pitiful if the lack of basic security at the DOI is accurately
> described. What sort of hardware under Linux could handle the
> minimal firewall task to keep out most intruders?
> Perhaps some Geeks or SLUG members could offer to fix the
> problem for them as a public service project?
> Giggle ... doc
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,40340,00.html
> Interior Dept. Blacks Out Web Sites Following Court Order
> Friday, December 07, 2001
> By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos
> WASHINGTON - If you're planning a trip to one of America's national parks
> soon and browsing the Web for information, don't bother going to the
> National Park Service's official sites. They're all down.
> They, along with the entire network of Web sites operated by the U.S.
> Department of Interior, were inaccessible Friday following an order by a
> U.S. District judge who feared flimsy security might have contributed to
> the loss of billions of Native American Indian trust monies.
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