I just got this working myself.
I used
makemap hash genericstable < genericstable
(yes, it works. The makemap's output file is genericstable.db)
To create the database. You can test your mapping by
sendmail -bt
/map generics <address to map>
It should return the appropriate line from the genericstable file.
If this post works, then I've got it working, since I'm subscribed as
jim@rossberry.com but that is not my local user name.
Jim Wildman, CISSP jim@rossberry.com
817-308-3868 http://www.rossberry.com
On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Bill Triplett wrote:
> In /etc/mail/genericstable:
> root new@somewhere.com
> then in /etc/mail type 'make genericstable.db', restart sendmail and
> give it a whirl...
> Good luck.
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