Re: [SLUG] Mail FROM change

From: Kai Lien (
Date: Fri Dec 28 2001 - 12:03:46 EST

Hash: SHA1

First of all, you may not want to log in as root just to read emails or do
any other stuff except admin. You want to use a regular user account.

With that said, here is a solution for your problem:

You may need to change your user info.

Log in as root, then execute /usr/bin/chfn

then, type in your real name, address, etc.

Hope this will help


On Thu, 27 Dec 2001, Mario Lombardo wrote:

> I'm using Debian. When I mail something like this: mail
> as root. It looks like this in receiver's box: FROM: root
> <>
> How do I make it say my name instead of root?.
> Like this: Mario Lombardo <>
> I know it's my mail setup because it happens with receiving accounts
> that aren't customized. My mail gets sent through exim, and that's
> all I know about mail stuff.
> Mario

- --

Kai Lien

DSA key ID 39BD44C0

Lense Consulting Company

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In Kai's house it is warm and toasty while fuzzies play in the snow outside.

Fortune Cookie of the Day:

God, I ask for patience -- and I want it right now!

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