Re: [SLUG] Using Programs that use _gets_

From: Ronan Heffernan (
Date: Fri Feb 15 2002 - 02:42:33 EST

Robert Haeckl wrote:

>Recently, I downloaded the imap tar file from Washington U. and compiled
>it. One of the compiler warnings mentioned that gets() was used. Is
>this always significant as a potential buffer overrun problem, and would
>this raise a red flag for someone who screens source code?
It should probably be a flag in general, but there are situations where
this is not a serious concern. If the program is reading its
configuration files on startup (especially before binding to a network
socket), then the program could crash, but should not be a security
risk. However, if gets() is ever used to process user input (ie reading
from a network socket), then you have a real security danger. Using
gets() at all is sloppy; in general, you should always use fgets() as a
gets() replacement (or use a totaly different mechanism like iostreams
(C++) or read() (ANSI C. uses filedescriptors rather than FILE structs)).

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