Hmm, well root is exporting it's .bashrc, but it's not logged in and
I'm not picking up any of those settings anyway even with it being
logged in.
Yes, the user has RW access to its .bashrc file. Yep, I'm aware of
the command line for this, but I want it to parse this file and
accept my changes--saving me typing.
I didn't know about the relationship between .bash_profile and
.bashrc; interesting. I'm pretty sure it's not parsing the .bashrc
file because I'm able to type the exact alias I want in the command
line and verify it.
>Does the user have read access for the .bashrc file? Also you can set an
>alias from the command by doing alias = 'rm ' or what ever the above
>alias will remove the prompt to erase each file. You will also want to
>add it to the .bash_profile which is read each time the user logs on and
>the .bashrc is read each time a new shell is started. You can also export
>the alias to make it global.
>Mike M
>Mario Lombardo wrote:
>> I want this to work in one of my user's .bashrc files:
>> alias l='ls -lAF --color=auto'
>> I 'su root' and after I change the file and save it, I exit su and
>> exit the user account and log back in as the user, but the settings
>> won't work, yet I verify the changes took place in .bashrc. What's
>> going on?
>> Also, are users able to run alias at the command prompt? Usually
>> running this command alone will give all of the currently set aliases.
>> Mario
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