Re: [SLUG] CD not mounting

From: Lee Gusler (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 02:22:06 EDT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Hast" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 5:17 PM
Subject: [SLUG] CD not mounting

> I just installed RH 7.2 on a machine, I needed to add some
> stuff put the CD in and went to mount the CD. The machine
> retorts the following
> mount: dev/cdrom is not a valid block device.
> If I look at /dev I see that cdrom is a link to /dev/hdb
> My fstab file shows the cdrom as follows;
> /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0
> Did something point wrong?
> --
> Chuck Hast
> To paraphrase my flight instructor;
> "the only dumb question is the one you DID NOT ask resulting in my
> going out and having to identify your bits and pieces in the midst of
> torn and twisted metal."


I had the same problem when I installed RH7.2. On their web site under
"Support & Docs"/"Red Hat Linux 7.2 Install FAQ", they report that after
installation of 7.2 some systems report "/dev/cdrom not a valid block
device" causing mount to fail. Running the command as root "depmod -ae"
should solve this issue. Additionally, upgrading to the latest kernel
errata will solve this issue.

If you look at the boot log, you will see that no driver is installed for
the cdrom. Actually mine started working after configuring the printers on
my system.

Hope this helps.


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