Obviously I'll throw in for NKS. We do everything from 99.5% uptime
small business to 99.999% uptime Fortune 100. We do almost 100% of our
web hosting business through partners. We have almost 100% retention of
partners. We do all Linux, and have our own shopping cart system
written by Derek.
Unlike most hosting companies, we are growing and profitable.
Contact Ralph Spagnolo if you are interested. cc'ed above.
Paul M Foster wrote:
> Folks:
> XO, the company which has hosted my company's site for many years, has
> become reseller/partner hostile, unless you're selling DSL or something
> expensive for them, which I don't. Since I periodically have website
> customers who need a place to host the sites we're building for them,
> I'm now looking for other hosting companies to partner with.
> While it would be nice if they ran Linux, I have no illusions. These
> sites are generally small, on rare occasions needing Perl/e-commerce.
> Mostly just static brochure-like content. I don't need access (dial-up,
> DSL, etc.).
> So... any good suggestions on companies who can do hosting well, are
> partner-friendly, and don't cost an arm and a leg?
> Paul
-- -------------------------------------------------- -- Eric Bravick, Engineering Shock Trooper -- --- Networked Knowledge Systems --- ---- P.O. Box 20772 Tampa, FL. 33622-0772 ---- ----- (813)594-0060 Voice (813)594-0045 FAX ----- ------ ebravick@nks.net ------ --------------------------------------------------
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