On Sun, 2002-05-05 at 15:20, robin wrote:
> And a busted hard drive forced them to reboot.
> Now I'm going to scare you: I was at my friend Joe's place (he's the
> Linux clonebuilder in Baltimore I mentioned a few days ago) one night,
> scarfing frozen Vodka shots, and he yanked the hard drive ribbon cable
> off of a motherboard that was running FreeBSD. It kept running. He
> plugged the hard drive back in, and it kept running.
> In theory, you could make a motherboard running FreeBSD (or most other
> BSDs) go on until it had an onboard failure if you had redundant or
> hot-swappable power supplies and hot-swapped hard drives well before
> they hit their manufacturers' MTBF specs. And a motherboard with a
> conservative CPU/RAM and adequate cooling could have a potential
> lifespan of 100 years or more.
> This is an example of *BSD's technical superiority/reliability over Linux.
Not really. I could do the same thing to any old Linux box and it would
keep working until someone wanted the hard drive device, and then it
would just timeout until the request failed. There are also some IDE
hotswap capabilities in some chipset drivers, but they aren't entirely
reliable. IDE just isn't meant to behave that way.
That's assuming of course that I don't short out the motherboard by
yanking the cable off the drive like that. I would entirely reasonably
expect to cause a power surge on either the drive or the board, or both,
if I don't get all the pins pulled out *exactly* at the right time,
which would make the whole thing drop dead instantly. So the fact that
it worked to me indicates more that your friend was very lucky that he
didn't short something out on his mainboard than anything about any
particular BSD's "technical superiority/relibility" over Linux.
Not that there aren't some things that *BSD has over the Linux kernel.
I won't say otherwise, because it's true. But there are just as many
things that Linux has over the various BSD's.
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