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Oui, je parle francais! It's just been a long time. Here's the translation...
Bordeaux, le 30 Décembre 2001
I'm sorry this file is in french, please translate it and send me english
(and more) versions !
Special Thanks to Jesus Christ, coding furiously like all of us, hello to you!
choucroutegarnix@villagegaulois !
Bradabra is a utility for daily use by RYCKS for managing estimates/quotes and
invoices/bills. To install, you must have
- - a Linux server
- - LaTex
- - PHP
- - PostgreSQL
- - Apache
And a web browser!
- ------------
Decompress the bradabra archive into your apache directory tree
(or modify your apache configuration files)
tar xfvz bradabra-<num-version>.tar.gz
Open the install/tables.pgsql.sql file and change the password to use the one
that PostgreSQL uses.
Open the file include/config_user.php, and make the necessary changes.
Then create the database:
psql -U postgres template1 -f install/tables.pgsql.sql
Make sure that the archives directory is given the appropriate permissions for
apache: for example, chown www-data:www-data archives
The rest will done in your web browser, connecting to admin/admin for the
time, configuring bradabra (see the menu at the top), creating one or more
and then reconnecting as the new user. You will be able to make
invoices/statements, etc.
There may be some difficulty with your business logo. You have to manually
it into your images directory, where ever you put your .jpg and .eps files
because PDF and PS files are of better quality).
If anything is missing from this manual, please write to:
Éric Seigne <erics@rycks.com>
On Monday 13 May 2002 00:02 am, you wrote:
> On Sunday 12 May 2002 23:28, you wrote:
> > I hava linux buisiness software app. Problem is that the installation is
> > in french. I found it at:
> > http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/bradabra/bradabra-2.0.5.tar.gz
> >
> > Thanks for any help
> Patrick .... will the application program be in English or is it all in
> French? (fixed the link and took a peek)
- --
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