Well, I can no longer say that the folks at SPI/Debian do not listen
to normal people. I'm really happy with the results of this thread.
This is a discussion I had with the webmaster of Debian.org. If
you're trying to do searches on the Debian list archives and coming
up with near nothing, here is the reason why. They are working on it
technically and politically.
>X-POP3-Rcpt: mario@alienscience.com
>Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 11:42:51 +0200
>To: Mario Lombardo <mario@alienscience.com>
>Cc: webmaster@debian.org
>Subject: Re: Fwd: list search doesn't know sparc
>From: Josip Rodin <joy@cibalia.gkvk.hr>
>On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 07:33:34PM -0400, Mario Lombardo wrote:
>> >> You entered "debian" and picked "sparc" and got a *few* results??
>> >> Come on, Josip, you should be getting thousands if I'm not mistaken.
>> >> The index isn't working. How about this; entering "collins" (for Ben
>> >> Collins) or entering my email address "mario@alienscience.com" and
>> >> filtering for sparc doesn't turn up anything, yet both Ben and myself
>> >> have posted several articles on the list. Again, the index is not
>> >> doing its job, so how can we fix it?
>> >
>> >I didn't say it was working fine, just added a data point :)
>> >This reminds me of http://bugs.debian.org/131878
>> Well, http://bugs.debian.org/131878 doesn't exactly cover this bug.
>> Should I submit one?
>I think it's the same bug. Somehow, somewhere, the build index script is
>failing to see a lot of stuff, and I unfortunately have every reason to
>believe it's not limited to just these two lists (one mentioned in the bug
>report and the other mentioned by you).
>> >I'll have to check the glimpse buildindex logs. It's a pain to do this,
>> >since they're full of random crap due to smaller bugs...
>> Sorry to hear that. I just want Debian to be the best thing out
>> there, but these bugs make us look stupid when we're trying to
>> convince corporate echelons to implement this stuff.
>Yes, I know. We've been working on rolling out a decent search engine
>instead of this one, but the work is stuck due to an administrative
>disagreement on the database security policy, between one of the web admins
>and one of the machine admins.
>> >> Also, clicking the back button after an un/successful search doesn't
>> >> retain the filter selection. Doing this in Google, Yahoo, Altavista,
>> >> etc. retains the values. I feel it should do the same with Glimpse
>> >> or whatever we're using.
>> >
>> >Since you press the back button, that would be a feature of the browser...
>> >the right thing to do would be to have the form on the results like the
>> >search engines do it, so that it's easier to refine the search.
>> Ok, I can agree to this, so to whom should I submit the feature request?
>File a wishlist bug on the listarchives package.
>(In case you don't know how to file a bug,
>http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting )
>> >> I realize you folks work incredibly hard for no money, but when
>> >> things don't work, why do them at all?...Your work will be in vain.
>> >
>> >I don't get this part :)
>> Ok, that was a bit of a rant, my apologies. I was merely saying that
>> when SPI/Debian people try very hard to make something work and it
>> doesn't, all of the work is for nothing. I feel a proper reward for
>> people that do things for no money is to see the fruits of their
>> labor i.e. things work properly.
>Heh. Interesting point of view...
> 2. That which causes joy or happiness.
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