Re: [SLUG] Mandrake 8.2 and Evolution

From: Matt Miller (
Date: Thu Jun 13 2002 - 10:35:59 EDT

On Thu, 2002-06-13 at 09:26, Carson Wilcox wrote:
> Actually, it works ok, it's just that at some point
> after I start it, linux just hangs and all I can do is
> a power down which ain't a good thing.
> Carson

I had a problem when I first enabled DRI for my Radeon card (in kernel
and XF86Config). The display would freeze when I would switch from the X
display to the virtual terminals -- ctrl+alt+f7 --> ctrl+alt+f[1-6]. I
found that although my X server was frozen I could still ssh into the
box and bring it down gracefully. Keep in mind, the X server controls
keyboard, mouse and video, so when it freezes usually the keyboard and
mouse inputs no longer work. But, an inaccessible X server should not
prevent you from accessing the box remotely.

Matt Miller
Systems Administrator
MP TotalCare
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