On Sat, 15 Jun 2002, David Meyer wrote:
> The biggest change is that we are going to switch to SuSE 8.0 for this
> project. Red Hat called me on Friday and used words like "Copyright" and
> "Lawsuit" in the same sentence (not how I really want to start my weekend).
> They want nothing to do with partnerships, and told me that if my company
> sells a computer or server, and I put Red Hat (boxed version or downloaded)
> on it, even if the customer SPECIFICALLY asks me to, and even if I don't
> charge them a dime for it, I am breaking the law. They told me that they
Oh, _all of 'them'_? And just how did Red Hat identify
I can pick up the phone and state that I am the Queen of
England, and that I have ordered you beheaded at sundown.
Doesn't make either true.
Please advise the list of the name of the person alleged to
have made these statements, and the purported position they
hold with Red Aht, and office in which they are based. I
simply find your statement not credible without supporting
FUD, or a troll, or perhaps (dare I say it?) a true
infringement by you, if you have appropiated their
_copyrighted_ logo or name without acknowledgement or
preservation of their marques.
See the fine print at the bottom of:
http://www.owlriver.com/ Use my marque or non-GPL'd content
without acknowledgement or consent, and you'll get a like
threat from me or my I.P. counsel when I learn of it.
- -- Russ Herrold
- --
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Copyright (C) 2002 R P Herrold
herrold@owlriver.com NIC: RPH5 (US)
My words are not deathless prose,
but they are mine.
Owl River Company
"The World is Open to Linux (tm)"
... Open Source LINUX solutions ...
Columbus, OH
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