Re: [SLUG] School Project - Update - (RED HAT FANS...PLEASE READ THIS!!!!)

From: Andrew Wyatt (
Date: Sat Jun 15 2002 - 21:06:43 EDT

Uhh maybe you should speak to someone else? I'm sure that they are well
aware that it's perfectly legal to bundle the GPL version, the idiot you
talked to was probably a new hire lol.

IMHO of course.


On Sat, 2002-06-15 at 20:03, David Meyer wrote:
> Good Evening,
> For those interested in the school project, please plan to be at a planning
> meeting on the 29th of June at my house in Valrico. There have been some
> changes to the project, and the hardware install us underway.
> The biggest change is that we are going to switch to SuSE 8.0 for this
> project. Red Hat called me on Friday and used words like "Copyright" and
> "Lawsuit" in the same sentence (not how I really want to start my weekend).
> They want nothing to do with partnerships, and told me that if my company
> sells a computer or server, and I put Red Hat (boxed version or downloaded)
> on it, even if the customer SPECIFICALLY asks me to, and even if I don't
> charge them a dime for it, I am breaking the law. They told me that they
> know full well they will probably burn bridges in the Linux world, but they
> don't care because they are taking a different business approach. What is
> funny is that if I were to sell a full Microsoft solution, it would cost
> several thousand dollars less than the Red Hat solution if what they
> explained on our 45 minute call was accurate.
> SO...SuSE will be the distro for this install and any other I work on. Even
> when I buy the sets of CD's or a multi-system license, it's still cheap. I
> am going to approach them on Monday to donate the software (but I don't think
> they will).
> Those interested in helping with the install...plan on a mid-July install.
> All the hardware and network will be in place at that time.
> Please contact me with questions.
> Dave
> *****************
> David R. Meyer
> President
> CRB Technologies, Inc.
> 813.651.4933 (ph)
> 813.389.4529 (mobile)
> Custom Data Solutions Powered by Red Hat and SuSE Linux

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