Re: [SLUG] School Project - Update - (RED HAT FANS...PLEASE READ THIS!!!!)

From: R P Herrold (
Date: Sun Jun 16 2002 - 19:09:58 EDT

On Sun, 16 Jun 2002, Ronald KA4INM Youvan wrote:

> > So if you install Red Hat on a box you sell to a customer, RH thinks
> > you're breaking the law. So that means that the only way to sell RH is
> > for a customer to buy a version and install it themselves?
> I found a Red Hat employee arrogant and bullish, (one Brian A.) so
> in 1997 I chose to go with Slackware, they are not arrogant or bullish,
> I have never regretted it, everything I have heard about Red Hat since
> then has made me feel I made the correct choice.

Hmm... I found 'Rasterman' thus, but he is long gone. Some
find Wayne Green that way in another community. Let me give
you a contrary data point, so that your experience is not
wholly unbalanced.

IANAHNBARHE -- I am not and have never been a Red Hat employee
-- google it, and it shows up elsewhere a few times -- my own

We have had a Red Hat compensated staffer here on SLUG, and on
slug-politics list, and while holding strong opinion, he was
polite; and that matches my experience -- I have found RH
employees within the scope of their email and phone conduct,
knowledgeable and polite (and much more patient than I)

I correspond with Mike Harris (XF86 packager for RH), and Jeff
Johnson (RPM maintainer for RH), at least weekly, off mailing
lists, and get a personal answer, usually within a day. I
strive to pose interesting questions for them, and RFE and
report to Bugzilla relentlessly, on issues in the RH product.

Jeff, particularly, is amazingly vendor neutral, trying to
unify RPM, and pushing LSB hard -- The RH distribution was
essentially FHS and then-LSB done at RH 7.0 -- about two years
since the early parts appeared at Raw Hide --

The LSB has not really gotten to an agreed spec even to today
-- but Raw Hide has the compatability library hooks in place
for when they formalize the latest go at the spec. (the
latest LSB comment period opened about two weeks ago)

> I have up graded twice since I then, $45 each time, I help support
> Slackware.
> I must use M$ 95-B and 2000 pro at work, I get along well with Excel,
> all else is just junk. (without gpm server, all is a waste of time)

hmmm -- "must"? see:

Which legacy OS app is missing? Outlook works, ditto Word and
Excel -- and Access is not worth a hill of beans after using
MySQL. (I handle email (pop and imap) and news in pine (no
virus issue); except for tables, AbiWord beats Word; gnumeric
does everything I am interested in doing in Excel)

73 de wb8sky -- Russ

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