Re: [SLUG] VPN from Windows Computer to Samba Server

From: Ian C. Blenke (
Date: Mon Jun 17 2002 - 12:17:16 EDT

On Mon, 2002-06-17 at 10:05, wrote:
> Hi,
> Does somebody have a clue of how to connect a Windows client (98-
> W2K) from home to a Samba shared volume in
> a Linux server at work - via VPN?

Yes. Via a full VPN, or some form of a TCP tunnel of port 139 and/or

> Let's state that the Samba Server is connected thru the Internet with
> DSL connection even though its TCP port is not exposed to the public
> network and the Windows client has a Internet dialup connection.
> what software do I need in both sides ?

Well, if you have sshd running on "workgateway" (which can be
"sambaserver" machine itself or a firewall in front of it), and you
don't have Microsoft filesharing enabled on your Win98/Win2k client
machine, it's rather easy:

        ssh -L 139:sambaserver:139 workgateway

Then merely map "\\\sharename" on the "clientmachine".

If you're using Win2k networking, you may wish to redirect 445 for
NetBIOS-less SMB as well:

        ssh -L 139:sambaserver:139 -L 445:sambaserver:445 workgateway

If you're using Win98 clients, you can't map by IP address
("\\" is right out). To get the tunnel to work for those
machines, you will need to add sambaserver to your lmhosts file:

On Win95, Win98, WinME:

        echo " sambaserver #PRE" > C:\Windows\Lmhosts
        nbtstat -R

On WinNT, Win2k, WinXP:

        echo " sambaserver #PRE" > \
        nbtstat -R

Then make sure the NetBIOS name is registered and visible (it will have
a static -1 timeout):

        nbtstat -c

If you see " sambaserver" in there, you are set. Now you can
map to a share using "\\sambaserver\share".

However, my guess is that you will want some form of VPN to make it
"easier". The above solutions are somewhat of a hack.

The above method is what I use. It generally works from anywhere. You
might try "ssh -c blowfish" to get the speedup of avoiding 3des (Triple
DES is slooooow). YMMV.

SSH is my friend.

- Ian C. Blenke <> <>

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