Well I got booted off the list again, which probably means that my return
address is incorrect. I fixed this by hand by adding an alias to sendmail.cf
in SuSE 7.3 . In 8 there is configuration built into yast2 for this. I can
remember nks.net refusing mail from me because my return address seemed to be
forged. I get the same messges on this end now when I use fetchmail if a
domain can't be found. I can't seem to find anywhere to modify this behavior.
This is probably to cut down on spam, but it leaves mail on the server and
slows things down. I am doing pretty well with my spam filters in procmail,
so I would just as soon recieve the mail and then sort it to /dev/null or
whatever. Any suggestions?
And how about the little "taskbar" section of the kde panel? It has kinternet
in there, but it refuses to work. When I watch the log, it's sending the
wrong strings for user and password. It kind of looks like kinternet is using
pppd and not the newer smpppd. If it isn't going to work, I'd like to find
out where to remove it from the taskbar.
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