Thus spake Bill on the 29 day of the 06 month in the year 2002:
> On Saturday 29 June 2002 11:32, you wrote:
> > That aside, what is the name of the daemon which keeps the clock in
> > synchronization with the atomic clock. Even more helpful, if you know
> > the name of the Debian package to apt-get.
> ntpdate adjusts the clock.
> You'll have to run ntpd and configure some servers to suck the time from ...
> not too complicated at all. One niggle is that you might not be able to get
> the servers via url. If so, substitute the IP address and all should be fine.
Running ntpd and ntpdate is rather redundant. Unless you're performing
rocket science, you really don't need to run ntpd. It will provide greater
accuracy than ntpdate, but it's a bit overkill. The only reason you might
consider ntpd is if you want to provide ntp service for the rest of your lan.
With Debian you can install ntpdate with "apt-get install ntpdate".
It installs some sort of init script to sync your time upon reboot, but
if you keep your systems up for weeks/months at a time like me, you're
going to want a cron job. My /etc/crontab has the following two lines
in it:
35 * * * * root ntpdate
40 * * * * root hwclock --systohc
Which runs ntpdate every hourly against my private ntp server. You'll
have to replace with some real servers. Here are some tier-two
servers that at least worked a few months ago (and probably still do):
You'll want to pass at least three or four on ntpdate's command line.
The "hwclock" command in cron takes care of syncing the software
clock with the PC hardware clock. Linux doesn't do this automatically,
so I manually wack the hardware clock 5 minutes after ntpdate updates,
every hour.
Linux is not known for keeping excellent time. Your situation of being
5 minutes off after a few months isn't at all unusual. For systems you
want to have the same time, you pretty much have to run some sort of
time synchronization software.
Oh, and to see what Debian packages are available, use "apt-get search
PartOfPackageName" or "grep-available SomethingInPackageNameOrDiscription"
Use man to get a better grip on the options of these commands.
-- Matthew MoenOutlook is as attractive to email viruses as a heap of dead and rotting cows is to a fly. So long as that maggot-filled pile of corpses is there, swatting at the flies isn't going to work. Alan Bellingham, SDM
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