RE: [SLUG] runing X from remote console

From: Ian C. Blenke (
Date: Mon Jul 01 2002 - 17:19:41 EDT

If you really want a full desktop remotely, use Xnest:

        localbox$ ssh -c blowfish -X remotebox
        Password: ********
        remotebox$ Xnest :1 -query localhost

This should pop back a full X display pulling an XDMCP desktop directly
from your xdm/gdm/kdm/?dm display manager on that box (assuming it is
configured with XDMCP support, some distributions rightfully leave this
feature disabled).

Alternatively, you can install vncserver on the remote box and vncviewer
on your local box and use port forwarding:

        localbox$ su - root
        localbox# apt-get install xvncviewer
        localbox# ssh remotebox
        remotebox# apt-get install vncserver
        remotebox# vncserver :1
        remotebox# exit
        localbox# exit

Now, you need two windows open:

        localbox$ ssh -c blowfish -L 5901:localhost:5901 remotemachine
        remotebox$ vmstat 10 # need a session keepalive

And in another local window:

        localbox$ vncviewer :5901

You should have a remote X11 session without the overhead of tunneled
X11 (vnc is *much* lighter). If you have TridiaVNC or tightvnc, you can
also do:

        localbox$ vncviewer -encodings "tight zlib" :5901

which speeds things up incredibly.


- Ian C. Blenke <> <>

On Mon, 2002-07-01 at 16:30, Ken Billings wrote:
> > On Mon, 2002-07-01 at 10:42, Seth Hollen wrote:
> >
> > Assuming the remote host is listening for remote X sessions:
> >
> > # X -query <ip or hostname> :2
> To get X to listen, check out the XDMCP howto from this page:
> There's also a more
> general howto on running single remote X apps.
> In a nutshell, you need to edit your gdm.conf (for gnome)or kdm.conf (KDE)
> to enable XDMCP connections. On my system, it lives in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf.
> The config file is fairly self-explanatory (xdmcp=1, for example) Look to
> see that it's enabled and is listening to the correct port. Also, be very
> certain that the port is not directly accessible from the internet.
> -Ken

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