On Thu, 2002-07-11 at 11:41, Smitty wrote:
> All right. I want to point out that the paragraph you wrote below looks like
> upset to me.
Please define upset? Wait, here is the Merriam-Webster definition:
Main Entry: upæ–°et
Pronunciation: (")&p-'set
Function: adjective
Date: 1805
: emotionally disturbed or agitated <was too upset to speak to him>
Now please tell me where in the following excerpt you would ascertain a
sense of me being "emotionally disturbed or agitated":
"Would anyone consider it a flaw that I can request status of list
memberships of a another party's e-mail account from majordomo? I can't
think of any real good reason other than simple privacy ones."
> No, you made a general solicitation for response when you asked a question in
> your original posting. It was actually the first sentence. I see you did
> not like my answer.
No, what I did not like was your attitude -- inferring I had more
important issues to worry about. To quote you:
"You should be far more concerned about the anti-privacy laws rammed
through Congress last year."
I believe any further correspondence on this should be kept off-list.
-- Matt Miller Systems Administrator MP TotalCare gpg public key id: 08BC7B06
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